Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals
Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals
1. Arat, M.A. & Oliveira, V. (forthcoming). Conservation and change in planning practice: the method of morphological regionalization, Urbe – Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana (Under review)
2. Arat, MA. Topçu, M. (2023). An integrated framework for assessment of urban forms and their transformation, ITU A/Z
3. Oliveira V, Yaygin M.A. (2020) The concept of morphological region: advances and prospects, Urban Morphology, 24(1)
4. Korkmaz C, Yaygin MA, Serdaroğlu Sağ N. (2019) Kentsel dönüşüm projelerinde sosyal sürdürülebilirlik performansının değerlendirilmesi: Yeni Mamak kentsel dönüşüm ve gelişim projesi, Online Journal of Art and Design, 7(3), 37-61.
5. Yaygin, MA, & Topçu, M. (2016). A Morphological Examination of Urban Renewal Processes: The Sample of Konya City. International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation, 10(7), 891-898.
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