Muzaffer Ali Arat is an Assistant Professor at Konya Technical University and a Visiting Fellow at Newcastle University. He is a Cross-Thematic Area of Urban Morphology member at the Research Centre for Territory, Transports and Environment (CITTA – Centro de Investigação do Território Transportes e Ambiente). He holds a bachelor’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning. He has an MSc in Urban and Regional Planning from Seljuk University. He holds two PhD degrees; the first is in Spatial Planning (FEUP-Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto), and the second is in Urban and Regional Planning at Konya Technical University. He received the ‘J.W.R. Whitehand Prize for the Best PhD Thesis in Urban Morphology’ for his thesis developed at the University of Porto. He is the editor of the Built Form journal. He acts as AESOP Young Academics Network South Eastern Europe (SEE) Regional Ambassador.
Research areas
Urban morphology, urban planning, urban design, and cities
Urban conservation
Conzenian urban morphology
- Morphological regionalization
- Urban fringe belts
Analysing the physical structure of cities
Profiles with international research portals
Social Media