J. W. R. Whitehand Prize for the Best PhD Thesis in Urban Morphology

I am the winner of the first edition of the ‘J. W. R. Whitehand Prize for the Best PhD Thesis in Urban Morphology’ with the thesis ‘Strengthening the Conzenian method of morphological regionalization’. The thesis was developed in the Doctoral Program in Spatial Planning at the University of Porto, and supervised by Vítor Oliveira. The prize was announced during ISUF’s conference in Lodz/Cracow on September 7, 2022, by the International Seminar on Urban Form. A notice of the first edition of the J.W.R Whitehand Prize was written by Susan Whitehand, and published in the Journal of Urban Morphology, Volume 27, Number 1. As I was the winner of the prize, the notice included an abstract of my PhD thesis.